Who is behind OPRaaS?
Chris Dunn Managing Director
Chris has 20 years of IT and Interim Management recruitment experience (contract, perm, MSP, RPO) with three recruitment market leaders. Since the enactment of IR35, Chris has four years of Off-Payroll Reform experience, Statement of Works and its associated risks, Labour Supply Chain Assurance and provides a true understanding of the challenge for agencies and clients alike.
Chris also has extensive experience across a variety of sectors with FTSE 100 and 250 organisations as well as the public sector.
The OPRaaS Mission
OPRaaS - Off Pay Roll as a Service - is an end to end
Workforce Management Solution providing Labour Supply Chain Assurance and Payroll Compliance.
We ensure your organisation is compliant with the changing tax and employment legislation from April 2021 and beyond, optimising and maximising the use of your contingent workers such as temps, freelancers, contractors, interims, and SOW consultants whilst at the same time ensuring your labour supply chain and payrolling is compliant with HMRC.
Our full-service solutions empower organisations to mitigate risk, become
future-ready and alleviate strain on internal resources.
OPRaaS Labour Supply Chain Assurance & Payroll Compliance methodology
End to End Compliance
Negate tax liability, keep your contingent workers happy
Enhance your reputation as a fair employ
24/7 access to detailed and auditable payroll history
Update real time every time a payroll is run
Independent payments reconciled by OPRaaS ensuring payments are made to HMRC and contractors are correct and compliant
Total Transparency
Real time access to dated and timestamped business tax statements from HMRC each time a payroll is submitted
Providing visibility on HMRC payments and aggregating proof of your compliance efforts
Protecting Your Entire Supply Chain
Protect supply partners and remove their risk
Provides contractors with their full entitlement to rights and protections
Increases the likelihood of a happy and content contingent workforce
Safeguards end-hirer exposure to unwanted tax liabilities or possible legal action from contractors
Every Penny Tracked Easily
OPRaaS integrates forensic data analysis into an accessible and easy to use interface, allowing quick navigation through individual invoices, payment cycles, and payslips
Track the allocation of funds via a dashboard highlighting the sums set aside for:
o PAYE tax
o NI Contributions
o Holiday Pay
o Pension Contributions
o Umbrella Company Margin
o All other legal deductions and contractor entitlements
Documented submissions for Complete Protection
OPRaaS documents weekly payroll submissions to HMRC and demonstrates reasonable care to HMRC
Receipt of confirmation when HMRC has received PAYE, NIC, CIS Tax and VAT
All are uploaded automatically onto the dashboard
Realtime Updates
By providing real-time updates on the status of invoices from receipt to processing and ultimately submitting to HMRC, the solution:
Guarantees visibility that all necessary payments are made on-time
Provides the visibility and transparency required to manage complex supply chains
Ensure Complaint Holiday Processes
Ensure contractors receive their full holiday entitlement
Provision of a running total calculation of each contractors accrued holiday pay
Items sums that have been paid and the remaining balance
Outstanding holiday pay is paid out at the end of each calendar year
Ensures a happy contingent workforce
Secure your Supply Chain
Rapid response to contractor queries or HMRC enquiries
Fully auditable payroll and compliance solution
Connects silos and ensures all info is readily accessible when required
Integration into operations reduces admin burden, streamlines business processes
The Off-Payroll reform has created new challenges for recruitment agencies and end-hirers, but it has also brought opportunities for those ready to embrace their new responsibilities.
Establishing payroll compliance protects you and your clients from any prospective tax risk as well as helping you differentiate your business proposition and attract new business.
By utilising OPRaaS, your business can gain the insight, transparency and audit trail required to secure your supply chain and enhance your reputation as a demonstrably compliant service provider.
Recruitment expertise
20 years IT and Interim Management recruitment experience
Workforce Management Expertise
OPRaaS partners with UK-based workforce management providers to provide a disruptive, leading edge model in managed service provision, compliance, payrolling, VMS technology and deliver latest technology solutions on one integrated platform.
Tax expertise
Involved in IR35 since 2000 and one of the leading experts in Off-Payroll Reform. Clients include Home Office, TfL, Ministry of Justice, and Channel 4.
Our Approach
OPRaaS ensures your organisation is properly educated to meet compliance with the changing UK tax and employment legislation whilst gaining a competitive edge by optimising the use of your contingent workers.